I Need More Time...

In a blogging Slump

Recently, I have been wondering where I belong in the blog world. I've been finding it hard to create content, get people to read the content... and generally just feel a bit 'meh' about it all. Hence the lack of posts. I'm only creating content I am genuinely excited about - so the posts are lacking without a doubt. I just find myself a little lost... 

These feelings are not entirely uncommon, I feel like I go through phases with the blog - where I am ready to throw in the towel and quit. Which is extreme, but I need to ride it out and see how it goes. My main issue with the blog tends to be how time-consuming it can be. 

I just need more time...

I want to blog... I miss loving it. I miss taking hundreds of photos and being excited over it. I miss wanting to promote it and being able to write posts in less than an hour because I am so excited over the content... 
I want to read... I so miss it. I so miss being lost in a good book and spending hours flicking pages. But I just need more time to be able to wind down, finish everything that needs to be done and sit with a cuppa and read a book. Endless books. 
I want to knit... My scarf is still a square, nowhere near scarf length - and at this rate, it will maybe be finished by October 2021. I want to finish it. I also want to knit a blanket but that seems ridiculous right now! 
I want to watch movies... I have been watching Harry Potter recently with AJ, and I have missed sitting on the couch, no laptop or phone - and just watching a movie. It's just so soothing. 
I want to watch endless house plant YouTube videos... The house plant obsession is REAL. If I'm not thinking about buying more, I am looking up videos on other people and their house plants. I want to watch them all! 
I want to play Sims... endlessly. Hours after hours of sims. Building houses, having babies, taking care of pets. I LOVE to waste time playing sims... but I don't have time to waste... 

But Life... 

Placements... 37.5hrs a week.
Cleaning... WHY DOES IT NEVER END. I am no Mrs Hinch. I DO NOT enjoy doing it, I don't look forward to cleaning my sink and if I had more money I would have a cleaner. But instead I spend all my free time cleaning and doing laundry. 
Parenting... of course. 
Sleeping... Turns out life is exhausting and turns out I also need a good 8 hours to feel human - especially after placement. 

The Solution...? 

Is there one? But I do need to cut down on my phone use. I feel like it absorbs so much of my free time, that I am unable to do the things I really want to do... But I have no idea how to even start this process. Most of my time lost is in the morning. I can easily spend hours flicking pointlessly through IG and twitter... it's frustrating. I want another two days a week for me to be able to do all the things I want to be able to do - but doesn't everyone feel the same way? 

Have you wished you had more time recently? What would you do with a few extra hours a week? 


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 COMMENTS: I LOVE receiving comments, and I read every single one. I really am SO grateful for every comment you leave on my blog, but commenting "Thanks!" for every comment seems false to me. So, instead please consider the "Thanks" as a given, and if you have any questions or comments I will answer ASAP. Instead of replying to all comments, I will check out your content instead, after all, this is a community. So please feel free to leave your own link as a signature!

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