January: 31 Books in 31 Days

I cannot believe I am even able to write this. 

I've read 31 books this month. THIRTY-ONE. IN THIRTY-ONE Days. 

I've been obsessed with my new Kindle and my Kindle Unlimited subscription - highly highly recommend. I do need to turn it off though, maybe next month? 

I'm gonna just list them all, if you want a mini review they are all on my Instagram stories here, under 2021 books! You can see them all here: 

1. The Stopover - TL Swan* 
2. The Takeover - TL Swan*
3. Mr Masters - TL Swan*
4. Deviant King - Rina Kent*
5. Steel Princess - Rina Kent*
6. Twisted Kingdom - Rina Kent*
7. Black Knight - Rina Kent*
8. Vicious Prince - Rina Kent*
9. Ruthless Empire - Rina Kent*
10. Royally Screwed - Emma Chase
11. Royally Matched - Emma Chase
12. Royally Endowed - Emma Chase
13. Mr Spencer - TL Swan*
14. Brutal Prince - Sophie Lark*
15. Stolen Heir - Sophie Lark*
16. Savage Lover - Sophie Lark*
17. Bloody Heart - Sophie Lark* 
18. Broken Vow - Sophie Lark* 
19. Heavy Crown - Sophie Lark*
20. Wicked Dreams - S Massery*
21. Wicked Games - S Massery*
22. Wicked Promises - S Massery*
23. Vicious Desire - S Massery*
24. Pretty Reckless - LJ Shen*
25. The Hunter - LJ Shen* 
26. Temptation - Ivy Smoak*
27. Addiction - Ivy Smoak*
28. Eruption - Ivy Smoak*
29. Devotion - Ivy Smoak*
30. The King of Wall Street - Louise Bay* 
31. Park Avenue Prince - Louise Bay*

*Available on Kindle Unlimited

You need to check out: 

The Stopover & The Takeover - TL Swan
These are the books that had me hooked on reading again. I think I seen these on TikTok originally - but I'm so glad I decided to give them a chance after being stuck in a reading rut for such a long time. Both the Stopover & The Takeover feature the Miles bothers, they both have a decent storyline alongside some pretty incredible smex/filth scenes. They will have you laughing, crying and a little bit hot under the collar. These are a fantastic entryway into smutty books - loved every word of them. 

The Hunted Series - Ivy Smoak
(Temptation, Addiction, Eruption & Devotion)
Again, a good entry point for smutty books - and I loved this series. All follow Penny and her Professor, James Hunter. Started off as forbidden smut, but quickly had you by the feels too. These don't take much focus to read, and I loved the story progression. I was also completely into James too.

Royal Elite Series - Rina Kent 
(Deviant King, Steel Princess, Twisted Kingdom, Black Knight, Vicious Prince and Ruthless Empire)
This series is not for the faint of heart, and definitely shouldn't be read as an entry point into smutty books - but still, it had me hooked. These are classed as a bully romance, so the boys are NOT nice. Neither are the girls in honesty. This series covers some dark topics too - definitely dark and twisty. But worthwhile reading if you are looking for something a bit different. The first three books cover Aiden and Elsa, the last three are their friendship circle. Personally I loved Cole - I definitely shouldn't! 

Have you read any of these yet? What was your thoughts? Let me know in the comments! 


 *PR Sample & Links May Be Affiliated - Disclaimer 

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