Top 5 Blushes You Need in Your Collection + Swatches

Blushes are one thing I just love to look at. I love their packaging, size, colour ranges and overall feel of using them. Because of that, I just love purchasing new ones. Expecially when they are beautifully packaged too. So I thought I would take the time to show you my top 5, and the only 5 I really use. 

Hourglass Mood Exposure is my ultimate. The never ending blush that just won't finish. Considering the high price tag of this, I am really impressed by how long it lasts for. This is the perfect nude mauve shade that just seems to look good on everyone. It is blushy, without being too bright. It ticks all the boxes :) 

Newest to my stash is NARS Orgasm* I wasn't sure if I would love this as much as everyone else seems to, but once I tried it I completely understood the hype. It seems to just give a healthy glow. The right amount of shimmer vs the correct shade. It really is just beautiful. 

The first ever blush I really loved was MAC Blush Baby. And even now I still love the shade of it. Again the most beautiful mauve tone which seems to just flatter everyone. This is one I still recommend to everyone. 

The prize for the most asked about, and the most beautiful blush has to go to the Estee Lauder Ombre Blush Witty Peach. I mean just look at it, its lovely! I stupidly don't wear this as much as I should, this year will be the year I wear this all the time - and stop taking photos of it... well I might still do that :) 

For my wild card it has to be Becca Songbird. I didn't think I would like the orange tone blush in this Limited Edition trio from Becca, but it turns out it just looks incredible on. Not orange toned, it seems to just give a glow. Big perk is that it is also perminant, so although it is within my LE trio, you can buy it as a single now too. 

So these are my top 5, what are yours? Have you tried any of these? Let me know in the comments below! :)


 *These items were sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise (usually in quotes!) 

 Links used may be affiliated, cause Erin gotta fund her makeup obsession! This doesn't effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won't cost you any more money, and won't affect your shopping experience, and if you are not comfortable with this, just google the item instead :)

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